
Simon Predicts A.I. finale!

050108_sl_cowell_bach10.JPGIdol judge Simon Cowell has sounded off to The Insider about his predictions for the final two of this seasons Idol.Cowell believes that it’s going to be a showdown of the Davids, putting long time favorite David Archuletta against new favorite David Cook. Explains Cowell;“You’re going to have a real scrap. The winner will really depend on what song they sing on the night. David Cook has got the better voice and David Archuleta has got the teen and grandma appeal.”The Idol finals will happen on May 20 with the results taking place on May 21. I’m sure Cowell’s comments were a real kick in the self esteem of Jason Castro, and Syesha Mercado, who are battling it out to see who avoids the chopping block for one more week this coming week. But who are we kidding, they know their days are numbered.So who’s it gonna be? Cook or Archey, or will Castro or Mercado come through with an upset?

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