
Idol ‘Castrated’

31582.jpgIt’s been the day he’s been DREADing. Or is it? Here’s the lowdown on tonight’s Idol Castoff.American Idol’s Jason Castro, you know, the guy with the hair, may have not “shot the sheriff” on last night’s episode, but he did shoot himself in the foot when he forgot the lyrics to Bob Dylan’s “Tambourine man.”

You may be saying, well 4th place ain’t bad, look where Chris Daughtry is today. But while Daughtry’s elimination in season 5 was that of a shocker, in a season with minimal talent making it to the final 3, this season is shaping up to square off the two most talented contestants of the season in the finale; David Cook vs. David Archuletta.

That is unless Syesha pulls off some kind of a shocker next week.

Simon told Castro after his second song last night to “Pack your suitcase.” But was it perhaps already packed before last night’s show even went live?

Even before last weeks performance, you know, the one where Paula messed up and critiqued both of Jason’s songs when he had only sang one. Castro sat down for an interview with Entertainment Weekly and when asked why his meeting with Neil Diamond went so poorly, he responded “What happens happens. I’ll sing and if people like it, they like it. And if they don’t, they don’t. I’m kind of ready to go home.”

It’s a pretty care free attitude to have, but has it cost him a better finish in the competition? Some say this was his week no matter what. Maybe he agrees. None the less, Dread-Head is going home. and millions of teenage girls around the world are probably crying in their rooms right now. okay maybe not millions, but at least a few.

Thankfully he took the news better than Brooke White, who flooded the studio with tears.
photo via: Americanidol.com

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