
Early predictions are in.


Predictions for tonight’s American Idol elimination are in via Dialidol and they look as if there will be no shocker tonight.Graphs and charts after the cut.

Dial Idol is a computer software to measure the busy signal for a particular contestant’s vote. Although it doesn’t take into account the text vote, (which is a small portion based on the fact that it’s only available on one wireless carrier) the software is usually right on with little margin of error. They only tend to be wrong early in the competition when there are alot of contestants close in votes, but as it gets down to three with two clear cut favorites, it looks as if there will be no shockers tonight.


David Cook held a commanding lead over little David last night (rightfully so) and unfortch for Syesha, looks like we’ll be celebrating her home tonight. It’s as expected, but leaves zero eye candy on the show.


And because this is so much like electing a president in so many ways, here is a state by state account of your votes. David Cook clearly is America’s favorite (especially with a Starzlife endorsement) as he picked up a win in both of his opponents home states of Utah and Florida.

In. The. Bag.

Photo via: Americanidol.com  and Screen grabs via: Dialidol.com 

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