
Britney Spears vacationing with a new man!?

Britney Spears has left the country for some R&R with Mel Gibson?  Details after the cut.In a week which included her second appearance on How I Met Your Mother, and  a fender bender on Sunset Blvd., Britney Spears needed to get away and enjoy the fruits of her labor.

The pop wreck turned to once neighbor Mel Gibson for that.  Mel apparently invited Britney and her father, Jamie Spears, along with his wife, on his private jet to spend some time at his villa in  Costa Rica.  The group will just be relaxing for the weekend and will return back earlier next week.

What does this pair have in common besides being once neighbors?  Well both have went on a crazy rampage or two in their life, and both are very successful at what they do.

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