
The “was it , or wasn’t it” debate.

Seth Rogan and James Franco’s controversial sketch at the Movie Awards is sure to be talked about at least for all day today, but will the truth ever be told?The pair, who were there to promote their new movie, The Pineapple Express, first joked that MTV would only choose “a couple of pot heads like us” to present the award for best summer movie so far. Then Rogan pulled out a giant bag of “fake weed,” Franco pulled out a “fake joint,” and the pair “fake smoked” on the stage.

MTV then pulled out to a wide angle shot of the entire theater where you couldn’t see in good detail what was going on.

Afterwards when Franco was asked behind the scenes about whether or not the stuff was real, he claimed hat it was all fake, and actually a script that MTV had written for the bit. He also said he was disappointed that they chickened out in the end and cut to the wide angle because he thought the joke was funny.

Rogan has played a pothead character in about every movie he has been in.

Video of the bit can be found here

Here’s the trailer for Rogan and Franco’s film; The Pineapple Express. 

photo souce: getty images via mtv.com

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