
Not another spoof movie!


Carmen Electra recently returned home to LA from Dallas with her fiance.  Photos and video after this.

These Starzlife Exclusive shots are of Carmen Electra and new boyfriend, Rob Patterson arriving to LAX on a flight from Dallas.  The pair are currently engaged and Carmen told our camera person that she’s thinking about doing another reality show.  Did she not learn her lesson from Carmen and Dave??? Reality show romances NEVER WORK!

Carmen has recently been filming Disaster Movie (yes another spoof movie) in Louisiana with Kim Kardashian and Vanessa Manillo.   The movie is said to spoof on summer blockbusters such as Sex and the City, and The Love Guru, along with  MTV movie awards movie awards movie of the year runners up, Juno and Superbad.

Watch the video of Carmen on the Starzlife video page. 


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