
A giver.

Hipster sensation M.I.A. is donating one of her pay days to a very good cause.M.I.A, who is a relatively new star in the US but has been HUGE in the UK for some time now, played an after party for the MTV Movie Awards here in Los Angeles last Sunday.

Apparently MTV forked over $100,000 to have her play and during her set she announced that she was going to build schools in Africa with the money.

To build a school that will hold 1,000 students it costs $52,000 and the singer has plans to pay for the building of two schools.


want to know how you can help build African schools, visit: http://www.buildafricanschools.org/

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One Response to A giver.

  1. November 6, 2009 at 7:14 am #

    I like your info! Thanks!

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