
Cry me a river.

Whats got Lauren Conrad frownin’? Find out after this. Lauren Conrad from the Hills was out shopping with a pal in Hollywood the other day, but this reality star just couldn’t find a way to smile for the cameras!

In fact, she even told the photographers that she was “tired of being famous and having her picture taken.”

Perhaps she’s just not taking it well that Audrina’s career is blowing up, Whitney is getting her own show, Brody is getting his own show, Spencer and Heidi are in every MTV commercial, and she’s stuck in the boring old Hills.

On top of that, It’s being reported that LC came home to her new Hollywood Hills home one day and threw a tantrum because Audrina had set up a photo shoot in her back yard. The reason she was so mad is because LC already had set up an exclusive with one of the magazines. Audrina got the shoot cleared with LC’s rep, but apparently the news had never been passed on to Lauren. The big question is here, why is someone who is sick of fame and pictures trying to sell exclusives to a mag?

Here are some more photos of LC’s shopping trip.


on a brighter note… she looks pretty darn good these days!

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