
An actual actress Hilton.

Finally a Hilton with a passion for acting to be in a movie.Kathy Hilton, who had a little bit of an acting career before she married into one of the richest familys out there is going to be  appearing  in  the newest Ben Stiller movie  for a short cameo.

Paris’ mommy will be playing none other than Tom Cruise‘s wife in the short role in the film Tropic Thunder.

Kathy Hilton apparently filmed the scene in the  movie last fall and didn’t tell anyone because she wanted to surprise her kids.

Hilton said that Tom Cruise was a joy to work with.

Paris has been the star of a few straight to dvd flicks, but has not been able to live up to the career her mother once had.

Kathy was in a bunch of movies I’v never heard of back in the 1970s! 

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