
The mandatory apology.

Who hasn’t heard this one before. Shia LaBeouf has came forward to apologize for the hateful word he used before he was a big star ad claims he doesn’t use it anymore.

A video was leaked to the internet of the Indiana Jones star partying with pals and challenging someone to slap him in the face. In the video, LaBeouf can be heard saying “you’re a faggot dawg, come on bro.”

As when anything scandalous hits the net, Shia was forced to (through his rep) issue an apology.

Here goes: “The video tape that is currently being circulated is several years old and captures Shia playing a game amongst friends in which he uses a derogatory word towards a friend, he regrets having used the word in any capacity and is very embarrassed that this footage is being seen by anyone.”

I’m surprised he didn’t use “some of my best friends are gay.”

Chances are, LaBeouf has since used the word, and will continue to do so, but what ever makes ya sleep at night.

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One Response to The mandatory apology.

  1. June 18, 2008 at 10:40 am #

    LaBeouf seems like a sincere fellow, oft-misquoted but sincere nonetheless

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