
In other twin news.

Mary Kate saves a whole bunch of money on wardrobe  by substituting pants for long sweatshirts.

The twig sized twin pulled her usual duck and cover move to avoid having her picture taken but Starzlife was able to get one exclusive snap of her face.

She hardly had a smile tho, quickly covering her face up with her pocket book.


The photographer must have gone wrong by asking her to say cheese.  Apparently the Olsen twins only say “Prune” when they are smiling for pictures.  It gets their mouths to look exactly how they want them to in the resulting photos.

a rep for the twins would neither confirm nor deny this claim saying only;

“It could be true (that they say prune) but unfortunately I can’t say – they like to keep their personal lives personal. They do care about their smiles though. Mary-Kate has slightly thinner lips and more of a playful grin, while Ashley tends to go for a full-on pout. It has been the obv(ious) way to tell them apart for years.” 

The twins will celebrate their 22nd birthday’s tomorrow June 13th.

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