
Mark Wahlberg; Law Breaker!

Fresh off the release of his new movie, The Happening, Mark Wahlberg happens to be breaking the law on his new motorbike.

His new film has been getting mixed (but mostly bad) reviews, but that hasn’t stopped Mark Wahlberg  from living a wild and carefree life.

Starzlife got these exclusive!!! photos of The Happening star out for some sushi in West Hollywood on Monday before riding his new motorbike around his neighborhood.  Only problem was, Marky Mark forgot to wear his safety helmet!

According to California Vehicle Code, Division 12, Chapter 5, Article 7, Section 27803.

“(a) A driver and any passenger shall wear a safety helmet meeting requirements established pursuant to Section 27802 when riding on a motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or motorized bicycle.
“(b) It is unlawful to operate a motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or motorized bicycle if the driver or any passenger is not wearing a safety helmet as required by subdivision (a).
“(c) It is unlawful to ride as a passenger on a motorcycle, motor-driven cycles, or motorized bicycle if the driver or any passenger is not wearing a safety helmet as required by subdivision (a).
“(d) This section applies to persons who are riding on motorcycles, motor-driven cycles, or motorized bicycles operated on the highways.
“(e) For the purposes of this section, ‘wear a safety helmet’ or ‘wearing a safety helmet’ means having a safety helmet meeting the requirements of Section 27802 (see :Standards” below) on the person’s head that is fastened with the helmet straps and that is of a size that fits the wearing person’s head securely without excessive lateral or vertical movement.
“(f) In enacting this section, it is the intent of the Legislature to ensure that all persons are provided with an additional safety benefit while operating or riding a motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or motorized bicycle.”

The punishment for this is generally proof of correction and a $10.00 fine, chump change for a Hollywood Movie Star.

Things aren’t going so bad for Wahlberg tho, He’s still executive producer of Entourage, which is still one of HBO’s top rated shows.  Wahlberg talked the future of Entourage a few days ago here.


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