
Speaking of being on a leash!

Ryan Seacrest moved from coast to coast to start his media empire here in Los Angeles, but his mother, Connie, keeps him on a leash all the way from Atlanta.

Ryan Seacrest, a famous and very successful bachelor in Hollywood, has yet to ever settle down with one woman,  and who could blame him! He’s Ryan Seacrest! But his mother says when the time comes, she will have a say in who becomes the next Mrs. Seacrest.

Connie Seacrest tells parade.com

    “I’ll certainly get a vote, I want Ryan to make the right choice. I guess that’s a mother’s dream.”

Connie attributes Ryan’s relationship-less to his hard working attitude tho, she says;

    “Ryan likes to date, but he’s so busy now. There’s not a woman in the world that wants to go out with a guy who gets up at 4:30 in the morning and goes to bed      at 8:30 at night. We’re going to find him a better life as far as not working every single hour of the day before he makes a commitment.”

And then we’re going to change his diaper, and then we’re going to pick out his outfits and even pack him a lunch….

Personally I think Ryan is fine with the life he leads, though yesterday on his morning show he told co-host Ellen K, that he thinks he is actually ready to have a serious girlfriend. 

Better book mommy a plane ticket to LA so you guys can go out clubbing and scope some futures, Ry…

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