
More details on Pratt vs. Olsen. He’s one of us!

There’s a reason this photo of Mary-Kate and Spencer from their High School days popped up so quicky this afternoon.

Although one of Pratts main claims was that the two didn’t even go to the same high school, as he attended Crossroads School in Santa Monica,  and she attended Campbell Hall in North Hollywood, Mary-Kate’s stories still hold truth as I have done some digging of my own.

It appears that  Campbell Hall plays Crossroads twice a year in soccer, giving her at least two chances to see him play.  So although they weren’t in the same building,  I’m sure she knew of him real well.   We’ve all been to high school, everyone knew the d-bag from the rival school who you just wanted to see get kicked in the head with a soccer ball.

Well this is where it gets real good,  Mary Kate was no stranger to the tabloids back then, drinking, eating disorders, she’d seen it all.  Apparently Mr. Pratt was no stranger either.  We know he is in big with one right now, setting up a bunch of crap for an easy pay day,   but apparently the photo above, of an apparently drunk MKO, was sold for $50,000 dollars by Spencer himself.

I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again,   this guy is a genius.  A real worm, but a genius.

photo via: Olsen-twins-news.com 

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