
Lindsay gives Seacrest a “wink, wink.”

Lindsay Lohan celebrated her post birthday hangover by calling into On Air with Ryan Seacrest this morning.

Ryan didn’t really pry, and the interview was rather dull.  But it was Lindsay herself who volunteered a little hint that even Ryan didn’t speak up on during the broadcast.

He asked her what would be her ultimate birthday present or something, and her answer was for all the tabloids to go away.

But her goal for 22, is to  “live a happy, healthy year and continue on the path I’ve been on and be with the person I care about and my family.”

You hear that?? Sounds like a closet door opening and some little freckled eyes are peeking out. 

Lindsay’s main bitch, Samantha, is set to DJ at TAO beach in Las Vegas for the 4th of July weekend, and whatever these two do in Vegas, will definitely NOT stay in Vegas! 

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