
Britney Spears and Madonna is gonna happen one way or another!

052108_sl_spears02.JPGMadonna is determined to be responsible for the Britney Spears comeback!Madonna’s Sticky and Sweet tour is kicking off soon this summer, and she wants a piece of Britney at every show.Britney was originally supposed to film a video tribute earlier this week in LA , but when there was mechanical problems with an elevator that was part of the stage, the video was put on hold.Apparently it’s not you run of the mill video tape where a screen rolls down, Britney says hi, and the screen rolls up, but something way more high tech and amazing.  And it should be, because Madonna is rich bitch!We probably won’t see it until some fan posts it on Youtube following the first show, but Britney should be filming the video any day this week, possibly even today, at a studio on Santa Monica blvd.Madonna’s tour kicks off August 23rd, which gives them well over a month to get things in order. Stay tuned.

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