
Publicist leaves Mills standing on ‘one leg’.


Hollywood power publicist Michele Elyzabeth took her dog out for a walk on Friday afternoon.  Elyzabeth has made headlines recently for dropping the  famous  gold digger ex wife of Paul McCartney, Heather Mills as a client.

Elyzabeth has been Mills’ U.S. rep for the past four years, and released a statement to the media on Friday, calling her client “impossible.” Says Elyzabeth;

“After working for Heather Mills for the past four years, I have decided to cease representing her. Since her divorce has become final, in my opinion, Heather has become an impossible person,”

“Yesterday, we engaged in a heated argument during which she called me ‘stupid.’”  “I reminded her that she was not ‘God’ and she answered, ‘I will never ever talk to you again.”

“I have been very patient in my dealings with Heather, however, I cannot take any more,”

“I have given her substantial unpaid time and attention. I am owed money. I refuse to be subjected to her outbursts. On reflection and given the way I have been treated, I now have sympathy with much of what the British Press has reported about her.”

This looks like it is the type of thing that could end up in court, but based on Elyzabeth’s statement, it seems she has a leg up on Mills. (pun intended)

Take her for all shes worth.

Here are some nice photos of Michele Elyzabeth walking her pup on friday afternoon.

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One Response to Publicist leaves Mills standing on ‘one leg’.

  1. July 26, 2008 at 1:56 pm #

    I love her she is super hot….sucks to be heather!!!!

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