
Your Daily Thinspiration.

Heres a photo of an insanely skinny woman walking around in Hollywood.

Hopefully she was on her way to lunch, but it’s highly unlikely.

Hang one of these on your fridge, and remind yourself how fat you really are.

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2 Responses to Your Daily Thinspiration.

  1. September 27, 2008 at 10:48 pm #

    I’m pretty sure you’re the spawn of the devil. Quit telling all these girls to starve themselves just because you are the same way and don’t want to be alone. Stop being selfish and get help for yourself and stop bringing everyone else down with you!!!


    P.s. God thinks you’re beautiful the way you are. 🙂

  2. September 20, 2009 at 3:48 pm #

    Anorexia is a disease and can be treated. With that said I love fashion models, the super skinny pro-ana types! Maybe im the minority?

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