
Lauren Conrad is not ‘tortured.’

Lauren Conrad’s life on The Hills would lead most people to drinking.  But Conrad insists that it’s totally different, and that shes not the tortured girl you see on MTV.

Conrad is featured on the cover of the September issue  of Cosmo Girl, but LC tells the mag it’s not always what you see.  She says;

“I know I look tortured, but it’s a TV show and you don’t see all sides of people.

The Hills is meant to be a dramatic show about relationships,” she goes on. “It’s not about me being a designer. No one wants to see me working at the factory on my collection, or me and Lo having a dance party in our pajamas.”

Well, it’s no underwear dance party in their underwear, (I mean pajamas), but here are Lauren and BFF Lo Bosworth out and about in Hollywood this past week.  LC and LO became household names together on Laguna Beach and finally reunited after season 2 of The Hills.

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2 Responses to Lauren Conrad is not ‘tortured.’

  1. July 30, 2008 at 11:24 pm #

    I cant see up her Skirt when she is getting into the car next time GET A BETTER ANGLE

  2. July 30, 2008 at 11:29 pm #


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