
Bad Influences?

It’s hard to tell if Mary Kate and Ashley should be considered good influences, or bad influences, so maybe that’s why they named their new book strictly; Influence.


They grew up as role models with their character on Full House, and fun loving DVD collection, they actually attended real high school and University like most stars do not,  but then it all started to spiral out of control from there.

Smoking, drinking, rehab, eating disorders, Sisterly feuds, all of which while they were still adding to their billion dollar empire by doing clothing, fragrance, furniture, a little bit of acting, and who knows what else.

The discription of the book reads this;

“Influence will be filled with never-before-seen photographs from Ashley and Mary-Kate’s private collections, pages of original material by Ashley and Mary-Kate, and interviews with some of the most influential tastemakers in the world. Internationally famous photographer Rankin shot the cover image and many interior shots. The book is designed by renowned book-designer Rodrigo Corral and edited by fashion and arts writer Derek Blasberg.

Influence has 4 major sections: Fashion, Environment, Art and Giving Back, as well as an introduction and conclusion. This category-breaking book will show that with an open mind and a little bit of curiosity, everyone can have INFLUENCE.

The book will hit the shelves on October 28, 2008.

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