
Miley’s Role Model.

When I first listened to Miley Cyrus’ new cd I heard a striking comparison to an Ashlee Simpson style record.  Turns out, Miley loves her some Ash!

Miley was recently on hand to perform on Pete Wentz’s FNMTV Live this past Friday night, and when she came out to greet Pete she said;

“I just met your wife backstage, I worship her.”

Later, Ash joined the two of them on stage, revealing that she showed up just to meet Miley.

Cyrus also told the couple; “I’ll babysit.”

To be fair with the comparison, Miley’s newest CD breakout  sold about 330,000 more copies than Ashlee’s latest did in it’s first week. Maybe while Miley’s babysitting, she could give Simpson a lesson or two.

Miley  had herself quite the weekend.  First, singing on  FNMTV,  then,  not only hosting the Teen Choice Awards, but snagging three surfboards of her own for choice female musical artist, choice actress and TV show for Hannah Montana.

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