
What’s this guy got to do with Britney Spears?

Quentin Tarantino is said to be dead set on having Britney Spears play one of the main characters in one of  his newest movie.  Find out more about the character Spears would play after this.

Tarantino, who is currently set to start filming Inglorious Bastards this fall, already has plans to film a remake of Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! directly as a followup.

For the charictar of Varla, the psychopath lesbian stripper, Tarantino think’s Spears would be perfect.

Perhaps all the girls from Flavor of Love were booked? They’d be naturals!

A source revealed of Tarantino;

“He wanted to get Britney  first. She’s playing the most important character. Quentin is convinced she  will be brilliant.”

Spears is currently at work on her newest studio album to be released this winter, so this movie could come into place at the perfect time to help the star restore her career.

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