
When The Goin’ Gets Tough…

Your pregnant little sister is sucking up all the attention, your music career is in the crapper, the cross over to country music has crowds at county fairs pelting you with “boos,” what do you do?  Campaign for a beer that nobody has heard of.  At least thats what you do if your Jessica Simpson.

Stampede Light claims to be the beer for people who work out and take care of their bodies, but also enjoy a cold beer once in a while.

What the poster doesn’t tell you, but they admit freely on their site, is that the beer has 115 calories. That’s more than most top leading brands of beer, plus almost twice as much Miller’s new 64 calorie MGD.

So what’s all this mean?

Well it means exactly what I said.  When the goin gets tough, you campaign for a beer nobody has ever heard of.

Stampede must have just thought, “Hey, Miller and Bud use dogs and horses in their ads, so should we.”

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