
Who’s On The Leash Now?

Jodie Foster could potentially have cost herself $25 million dollars for cheating on partner of 14 years, Cydney Bernard. Foster separated with Bernard in May, after the long 14 year relationship, to start up a new one with writer Cynthia Mort.

Jodie is reportedly worth 100 million dollars, and half of that was said to be made while they were together.  The National Inquirer is claiming that legally, Cydney could ask for half of what Jodie made while they were together in alimony, more specifically, $25 million dollars.

Jodie is apparently trying to keep Bernard happy to avoid paying the sum, by letting her live rent free in one of her LA homes,  letting her visit with her two sons, Charles, and Kit, and paying her an  annual  six figure sum.

The idea here is that as long as Jodie can keep Cydney close and feeling like she’s a part of the family, she will not sue for the money.

It’s only a matter of time before the straw breaks the camels back, and Foster is forking over the dough.

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