
Perez to Ronson: You Got Served!

Perez Hilton has done back to Samantha Ronson what she once did to him, served her up some sweet legal papers for dinner.  Ronson lost a 2007 lawsuit against Perez in which she was trying to get him for defamation of character, and was ordered to pick up his legal bills.

Summer 2008 is coming to a close and Ronson has still yet to pay Perez’s legal fees, so he responded by having a process server deliver her a special telegram during one of her DJ sets at The Whiskey in LA on Thursday night.

One of Perez’s sources, namely one of his millions of fans who was probably on hand at The Whiskey hoping to catch some nasty girl on girl action from Linds and Sam, claimed that it stirred up quite a scene, with Samantha freaking out in the middle of her set.

Better pay up, Princess!

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