
Phelps and Britney: Recipe for Ratings Gold!

He has gold medals, she has gold records, and you already saw what NBC the past two weeks. Now MTV is enlisting Michael Phelps to be a part of this years VMAs. If only Britney Spears would perform, this would surely be the best show ever.

However, having these two in the same building, on the same show, and possibly if they can work it out on the stage together at the same time, would be exactly what MTV needs to make the show an instant success. In fact, they should have them sing a duet together.

No word on what Phelps’ role in the show will be, or if he will even have a role besides sitting in the crowd and being shown on camera a million times throughout the night, but MTV is no dummy, they know how to get viewers.

The VMA’s premiere on September 7th on MTV.

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One Response to Phelps and Britney: Recipe for Ratings Gold!

  1. August 28, 2008 at 1:15 am #

    I know you don’t cook. . .but can’t you spell recipe? hehehehe

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