
Adrian Grenier Admires Paris Hilton.

Adrian Grenier was just gushing about Paris Hilton in the newest issue of Page Six Magazine.  To find out what Adrian had to say about the girl he was once rumored to be dating, follow me.

Ok, so there won’t be any romance between the two, but the Entourage star had nothing but good things to say about her, and the way she handles the life she was given to the mag.  He says;

“I have a lot of respect for Paris. She’s ballsy, she’s learned to play with paparazzi attention and have fun with it, and she creates little mysteries in the tabloid arena.”

“I have fun with her, but it’s always been platonic. [Our relationship] wasn’t sexual though I understand that sex sells.”

Paris has been dating Good Charlotte’s Benji Madden for some time now, and Grenier most recently got out of a relationship with 23 year old Isabel Lucas, who was the passenger in the car during Shia LaBeouf’s DUI adventure.

Grenier has no hard feelings for Lucas however, saying of her;

“[Isabel] and I have a very open communication. We’re friends with common interests, if you want to know the whole story, you’ve got to be my friend. It’s easy to put those labels on people, but they’re not accurate. We’re young in Hollywood having fun.”

Too bad he didn’t have any words for that homewrecker, Shia LaBeouf!

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