
When the Goin’ Gets Tough…

Signing up to do voice overs is usually a sign of not being able to find acting work in film or television, but I’m actually on the fence over the gig Jodie Foster just picked up.  Find out and weigh in after this.

Jodie has signed on to do the voice of Maggie Simpson for an upcoming episode of the new season!

Traditionally, for the million years The Simpsons has been on the air, Maggie has never talked, only once muttering the words “Daddy.”  In this episode, Foster will play the role of grown up Maggie and voice many lines.

The episode, set for 2009  titled, “Four Great Women & A Manicure,” will re-imagine the worlds of Macbeth, The Fountainhead, Citizen Kane, and Queen Elizabeth I, with Springfield residents in key roles.

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