
Looney Tunes; an Interview With Phoebe Price.

Phoebe Price is an absolute loon! She lives in an entirely different world from the rest of us, and it’s actually pretty hilarious.  Check out this interview she just did with Instinct Magazine.  I’ve highlighted some of the best parts but you can check the rest out at the link posted above.

On what TV show she could see herself guest starring on;

“Ugly Betty. It’s an inspiring show. I love the whole concept of it. I love looking at the fashion. I’ve lived all over the world for the last four years—I lived in South Africa, Milan and Greece—and in Milan, I fell in love with fashion. I’m trying to stay away from reality TV, though, although I’ve had four offers this week!”

Had she ever took some time off from sluttin’ around Robertson, she might have realized Ugly Betty is NOT reality television.  But I do understand a star with a resume like hers trying to stay away from reality…oh wait!

On who was her first movie star crush;

“I guess it was with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. All my life I’ve just really loved it. And you know the little boy in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory—I have no idea what his name is, but I always used to want to have his life and live in these candy and dream fields and eat the chocolate water and everything. I know he’s not a big movie star or anything, but that was like my first crush.”

His name is Peter Ostrum, he’s only done one major motion picture in his career, one more than yourself.  Interesting enough tho, If this was Phoebe’s first crush, shemust have been a youngster when the movie came out, in 1971!  Her myspace says she’s only 29, making her born in 1979.  That would have made 1984/85 ish about the time most kids get their first crush.  Surely the mid 80’s offered hotter stars to crush on than Charlie from Willy Wonka?  That or she’s really in her mid 40s.

On the first time she knew she was famous;

Well, I’ve always thought I was famous—in my own mind! [Laughs] I figured I could do it a little bit different than everyone else. I’ve kind of got the fame side of it first, and now I’m able to turn it around to show people you can actually become a movie star—or anything that you set your mind to. You can always do it.

I couldn’t have said it better myself,  In your own mind, you’ll always be famous.  In our minds, not so much.

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