
Taking Over the World.

It seems like every time I post about these two, it features the phrase “say it ain’t so” or something of that nature, but now that their world takeover is actually happening, I’m going to embrace it.  Next up for the couple known only to themselves as “Speidi“… Tarnishing the reputation of an American classic, and ruining the afternoons of little girls all over the world.  Barbie and Ken!

Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag are apparently in talks of developing their own Barbie and Ken doll.  I realize many famous stars over the years have put out a doll version, 90210, Saved By the Bell, High School Musical, and so on, but Heidi and Spencer are going straight to the source:  Mattell.

Says Spencer;

“We just talked to Mattel yesterday, and we are already working on our own Ken and Barbie,”

I suppose they are a pretty decent pick for this type of thing.  Heidi is your text book plastic LA barbie doll, and Spencer would be Ken, If Ken was an arrogant douche.

But the age gap must come into play here.  Who would buy these?  Barbie doll playin’ aged girls are too young for Heidi and Spencer, and Heidi and Spencer “fans” are too old for toys.

Disaster.  These two always are being followed by disaster.  They ought to name the next Hurricane after them.  Hurricane Speidi.

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