
Spears New CD: Her “Best Work Ever.”

Britney Spears is back!  Since her VMA revival just 4 days ago, she has already revealed to OK! Magazine that her album will drop this December.  Just in time for Christmas!

Spears tells the mag; It’s my best work ever.”

Britt has also started directing the focus on re-gaining joint custody of her two sons, Sean and Jayden. When her fathers job as conservator is up, she will go back to court to try and prove she has gotten better and is ready to spend more time with her boys.

The focus for this week?  Sean and Jayden’s Birthday joint birthday party.   Jayden turns two tomorrow, and Sean Preston turns three on the 14th.   Lynne Spears, Jamie Lynn, and Maddie have all flown in for the birthday party and the whole family will be together.

Despite what Lynn has wrote about Britney in her new Tell-all book, a Spears source insists that Britney is not mad at her mother though she has not read any of the text yet.  They say after the year that Britney has had, her and her mother have never been closer.

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