
She Said What?

Samantha Ronson is not a U.S. citizen.  Sam chimed in on Lindsay Lohan’s blog about Sarah Palin the other day claiming that if Palin is elected, she might not be able to renew her green card.  See what Ronson is rambling on about after this.

Samantha- “I love this country- however i wasn’t born here and don’t have the right to vote- so i beg of you all to really do your research and be educated when you cast your vote this coming november…. and if you’re in doubt- vote for obama! Mainly because if she gets elected my green card probably won’t get renewed!!!”

First off, Sarah Palin isn’t running for President, and would have no power to not renew your green card.

Second, Sarah Palin isn’t running for President.

In Lindsay’s entire blog they barely mention John McCain, as have most media outlets since Palin was announced as the VP  candidate.   It’s fine when your talking about the Alaska governor, but  not when you’re acting like it’s her vs. Obama in the election.

Sam must have got a ton of hate mail to her page because the following day she posted a clarification post.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


For those of you who can’t seem to focus on the issues…. kinda why Lindsay wrote her blog in the first place….. I didn’t write that blog- I piped in every now and then and added my two cents, mainly the bit at the end where I said that the quote was mine. She wrote that blog on set, did the research and then wrote the damn thing while I was miles and miles away in san fransisco, I posted the blog on my page because I felt like everyone should see it because she had some very valid points.

Up until Palin was selected as McCain’s running mate I felt no need to say who I thought should win in November, as long as everyone at least got out and voted for who they thought was the best choice to run this country. After Lindsay pointed out how frightening Palin is I decided that I wasn’t going to remain impartial and posted her blog on my page. That’s all. I’m English, I can’t vote here. If I could I would vote for Obama, that’s all.

More importantly, Tina Fey was brilliant last night!!!

Hopefully after November she won’t need to make anymore cameos, I can just enjoy her comedy on 30 Rock.

Take care all,

It’s great of these celebs to have their voice heard regarding the election, and especially to note just voting no matter who you vote for is the most important thing, but they ought to make sure they stick to the facts before making fans who worship the ground they walk on and would believe anything they say fall victim to claims that are completely wrong.

Luckily for the sake of the country, PopEater conducted a poll asking “Do star’s views on politics ever affect your decision in the voting booth?”…out of 116,217 votes, 95% responded “no”, while only 5% stated “yes”

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