
Barack Parties With His Hollywood Friends; McCain Hangs With the Nobodies.

Barack Obama partied with some of his celebs friends in Hollywood last night at a fund raiser hosted by Dreamworks’ Steven Speilberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg.

The event, which featured a hefty $28,500 a person ticket price at Los Angeles’ Beverly Wilshire Hotel, followed by a later event featuring Streisand at $2,500 a ticket, was to help raise money for the Obama campaign.

Guests to the event included Will Ferrell, Jodie Foster, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Tobey Maguire.

While Obama took time off his campaign trail to raise an estimated 9-million-dollars from the Hollywood elite,   his opponent, John McCain was hard at work speaking to supporters in Vienna, Ohio and blasted Obama for where he’d be spending his evening.  Says McCain;

“He (Obama) talks about siding with the people, siding with the people just before he flies off to Hollywood for a fundraiser with Barbra Streisand and his celebs friends. Let me tell you my friends, there’s no place I’d rather be than here with the working men and women of Ohio.”

A little ass kissin’ never hurt nobody.

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