
Still Denying the Obvious.

Holly Madison is still denying the obvious that she’s got a little somethin goin with Criss Angel, Mind Freak.

She posted a denial to the rumors on her blog this morning, but has since taken it down.

Perhaps it started a fan war in the comments section and she decided it would be best to leave it alone.

Luckily, you can read it all below.

Rumor of the Week
Current mood: amused

Or should I say Rumor of the Weak? This did come from Perez, after all . . . :)

Anyway, Criss and I are just friends right about now . . . I love how that totally innocent picture of us means we are not just dating but “going public” . . . the most incriminating thing in that picture is the random disembodied hand coming from camera left . . . hahahahah!

Gotta love the Perezzie. :)


Maybe she should do the  Kim Kardashian and post a video of them ‘Just being friends’ then.

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