
Dems Behind Palin E-mail Hack?

Theres a new twist to the story of Sarah Palin’s email getting hacked into by an Internet wizard.

The VP candidate’s yahoo account was hacked into last week when someone guessed the right answers to her security questions and got her password.

That someone is alledgedly the son of the Democratic state rep from Memphis, Mike Kernell.

Apparently the hacker was bragging about his work on an online forum which lead authorities to the email address of the young Kernell.

Feds crashed a local party and while Kernell and some of his other friends ran, authorities stuck around, took down names and took photos of everything in sight.

Unlike some, I wouldn’t go blaming bad parenting or political party on some kids shenanigans, but I do believe if he turns out to be the one who did it, he should pay the price.

As for those asking who’s at fault, The hacker for breaking into someones property, Palin for making her answers so obvious, or Yahoo for making the questions too easy…

Would you blame the person who broke into your house and stole all your belongings, the window company for making glass that shatters, or yourself for buying the glass that shatters?

It shouldn’t even be a question of who’s at fault here.

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One Response to Dems Behind Palin E-mail Hack?

  1. September 23, 2008 at 4:01 pm #

    “It shouldn’t even be a question of who’s at fault here” Charly. . .you are dead on my friend! just because I leave my door open doesn’t mean anyone has the right to come in let alone steal my sh*t! Just because my landlord is stupid and doesn’t change the locks after I move out doesn’t make it legal for me to go into the house! Hacking is just that! It is illegal~ Just because I know a person’s email password doesn’t make it legal for me to log in as them.

    People who do that go to jail! This is a whole new security issue and I really hope that the Feds take it seriously, like they have in other highly publicized cases~

    NOW. . . OMG Charley! Of course it was a dem! right wingers are too busy blowing up abortion clinics and polishing their shot guns to worry about something like hacking into someone else’s email! Too bad for the hacker! Hacking into email is a federal crime. . .say hello to the feds mr. or mrs. hacker! These federal investigations take time though. . . so at least the dem won’t be locked up before the election! hehehe! Sorry, Charly

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