
More On Clay.

More info has been released on Clay Aiken’s decision to come out to People Magazine as a gay man.

In the interview, Clay tells them that he knew the news would overwhelm some of his fans, (as if they didn’t have a hunch) but he hopes that his fans know that he’s never intended to lie to anyone at all.  He says if they leave, “I don’t want them to leave hating me.”

As for how he came out to his family, he reveals that he told his mother, Faye Aiken (lol) that he was gay four years ago.  Clay says they had just dropped off his brother, Brett, to be deployed to Iraq and on the way home he just started crying in the car.  He says, “It was dark. I was sitting there, thinking to myself. I don’t know why I started thinking about it … I just started bawling. She made me pull over the car and it just came out.”

Clay says his mom was obviously somewhat stunned, but very supportive and comforting.  He believes that even now she “still struggles with it quite a bit, but she’s come a long way.”

As for his son, Parker, clay says, “I have no idea if he’ll be gay or straight. It’s not something I’ll have anything to do with, or that he’ll have anything to do with. It’s already probably up inside the code there … No matter what the situation you’re in, if you’re raised in a loving environment, that’s the most important thing.”

More info and the first photos of Parker will be released to newsstands this Friday in the latest issue of People.

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