
Miley Promise: Jesus Loves You.

Miliey Cyrus just couldn’t get out of church mode this Sunday afternoon.  Miley took a bike ride to a Trader Joe’s store in the Valley with her siblings, and she was preaching all along the way.

First off, she was proudly sporting her promise ring, ensuring the fact that she will not let the Jonas Brothers gain all the attention for that nonsense, but scribbled on her hand in black marker was “Peace for the World”

Miley even told StarzLife; “Peace for the World, Love Jesus,” whatever that means.

Most importantly though, hasn’t anyone ever told this girl you don’t ride a bike in sandals!  That’s basically like just saying “hey, cement, scrape my toes please.”

Check out some more photos of Miley and co. on their great adventure below.

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One Response to Miley Promise: Jesus Loves You.

  1. September 29, 2008 at 11:43 pm #

    Well at least the little kid is wearing a helmet. the last time i checked it was the law. what a dumbass.

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