
Rule Breaker.

Someone by the name of Judge is not very happy with Khloe Kardashian.

Khloe was in court to check in with the judge regarding her 2007 DUI arrest and the Judge wasn’t giving her the celebs treatment.  Apparently, Khloe failed to complete all of her assigned classes.

Khloe hit the judge with a Kim K. ass load of excuses, such as  the holiday messed up the schedule, and that classes were overbooked, But the judge didn’t want to hear it.

You know what they say excuses are like right?? I’ll give you a hint.  Everyone has one and they usually stink!

The Judge ordered Khloe to finish her class by November 17th, and will require her to fly back from NYC where she will be a part of the Celebrity Apprentice in order to work at a morgue.

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