
Sticking Around.

Contrary to reports that Elizabeth Hasselbeck might be telling her liberal co-hosts to take their views and shove em’ up their you know whats before heading off to Fox News where she’d host her own show, Hasselbeck is now denying those reports.

In a statement released, her agent says;

While Elisabeth [Hasselbeck] has a great relationship with Fox News, there is absolutely no truth to the rumor that she is leaving The View, Elisabeth is passionate in her beliefs and enjoys being a part of this dynamic group of women and engaging in daily conversations.”

The View‘s Executive Publicity Director was very quick to add;

“Barbara Walters and Bill Geddie, executive producers of The View, consider Elisabeth to be vital to the program.”

Elizabeth usually has no trouble standing up to the bullies on that show, In fact, she was the one who punked down Rosie O’donnell causing her to leave the show.

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