
Billy Ray Gives Miley’s BF His Blessing.

Winning over an over-protective dad is usually pretty hard, but when that dad looks at you as a younger version of himself, you win!

Though her rep is denying it, Miley Cyrus has got the blessing of her father Billy Ray Cyrus when it comes to the 15-year-old singer dating a 20-year-old underwear model, Justin Gaston.

The pair have been hangin’ out for a few weeks now, and she’s even been spotted with “MC+JG=<3″ written on her arm in pen, so what’s her so involved it’s sometimes creepy father think about this?

Billy Ray tells People that; “Justin’s a good friend. A good friend of the family,” he says. “I met Justin as I was hosting Nashville Star and I introduced the two of them. He’s a good kid. Great heart. Lives for the light and he’s very talented.”

Justin performed Achy Breaky Heart alongside Billy Ray at Miley’s sweet sixteen party this past weekend at Disneyland.

Billy Ray is probablycou happy it’s just not one of them lil’ JoMos.

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