
How Gwen Lost the Baby Weight.

We showed you photos last weekend of Gwen Stefani who seemed to have lost most of her baby weight pretty quick and now her secret is revealed.

Apparently, Gwen has taken to the sport of boxing for her training regimen. A lot of celebs have taken a shadow boxing class in their day, or maybe a cardio kick boxing class for some aerobic exercise, but not Ms. Stefani who just gave birth to son, Zuma, on August 21.

Gwen actually has a scaled down boxing ring inside her home, She fights with her trainer three times a week, doing everything a boxer in training does, including hitting the speed bag and jumping rope.

This means theres a pretty good chance she could knock out Gavin Rossdale as well. I always looked at Gwen as an edgy chick, but now I look at her like a bad ass!

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