
Heidi Montag and Lauren Conrad Get Friendly!

Coincidentally, and I use the term loosely, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt decided to have dinner last last night at STK restaurant in West Hollywood. The same restaurant that Lauren Conrad was hosting her post fashion week party at.

Theres actually no word on whether or not The Hills film crew was on hand, but if they weren’t they should be fired!

Apparently Heidi worked it out with Extra to set it up so the two crossed paths so that she could congratulate Conrad for the success of her fashion line. Naturally, Extra made it happen.

The two chatted for a couple of minutes before embracing in a quick hug.

“It was nice of her. I appreciated it,” Conrad told Us Weekly after the show.

Unfortunately, Spencer Pratt hasn’t given his two cents yet!

Is the Hills going to end with everyone living happily ever after? I sure hope not.

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