
Read Paris’ Diary.

Paris Hilton is currently in London filming the UK eddition of her BFF show.  Yahoo! got a hold of the Diary she’s keeping while across the pond, and now you can see what Paris has been wirting during the filming of her show.

She writes;

OCT. 7

Dear Diary,

Today I arrived in London, where I’m staying at the Sanderson hotel. It’s so modern, and the style is so amazing. And it doesn’t hurt that I’m in the penthouse, where I have the whole floor to myself. It’s so fabulous—there’s enough room for all my racks of clothes!

OCT. 8

Dear Diary,

Madonna and Guy Ritchie purchased this Mayfair District pub in March. Tonight I went to Madonna’s London pub, the Punch Bowl. It was cute. I even met Guy Ritchie there, and he was such a gentleman. Of course, it would have been rude of me not to sample the local nightlife in London, so obviously just for research purposes, I have to check out some of the clubs.

OCT. 11

Dear Diary,

I’m not leaving London until I find that amazing girl or guy who can meet the challenges of being my British bestie. So today I went to the BBF (British Best Friend) mansion for the first time. I really love all the British contestants. They’re characters—everyone has such a different accent, and sometimes it’s difficult to understand what they’re saying. Plus, they’re even crazier than the American contestants. The British have such a naughty side to them. I also felt bad that one contestant had to have her appendix removed!

OCT. 12

Dear Diary,

My friend and favorite author, Jackie Collins, made a guest appearance on the show. Everyone loved meeting her, and I just started reading her new book, Married Lovers — it’s so good. I love her! I also love everyone who’s been so nice to me in London. All the British designers are sending me amazing clothes. My favorites are Scott Henshall, Secret Circus and Arrogant Cat. Such cute designs!

OCT. 13

Dear Diary,

Benji and I missed each other so much that he flew out to London to surprise me last night! Being apart from each other is so hard. I really love having him here with me. So Benji will be with me in the U.K. until Wednesday—he’s actually going to fly in every weekend to see me. It’s hard being away while finding my British bestie, and I miss my BFFs back home in L.A.

Who knew Good Charlotte made enough cash to fly to London every weekend…Oh wait…

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