
Are Paris and Benji On the Rocks?

I’m hesitant to believe any of this really, but according to a source across the pond, Ms. Hilton is much happier over there than here in the US.

Paris apparently was heard saying “I have already been here for a month and am much, much happier here.”

Then according to the source; after saying how much she loved Paris, she told the reporter; “I love guys with English accents. I have met a really cute English guy, but it’s early days.”

I still don’t believe it.  The main reason for posting this is because I hope Paris comes across it on one site or another but preferably this one and posts an ‘I love Benji’ blog on her myspace.

Better yet, Paris, just send it to me,  <a href="mailto:zac@starzlife.com">Charley</a> and I’ll take care of it.

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