
Ex- Hillsians Want to Hit Spencer, Hate Heidi.

Before MTV gave us Spencer Pratt, we were stuck with a couple of guys named Jordan Eubanks, and Brian Drolett.

They were the love interests of Heidi and Audrina in season one of The Hills, and have since pretty much left the radar. (Now you see why these Hills girls are holding off and asking for spin-offs?)

Recently they spoke out about the new Heidi Montag and more importantly, her better half, Spencer Pratt.

While Eubanks said in an interview; “I’m telling you, she’s completely different. She’s done a total 180 and it’s sad,” Drolett added; “Spencer has done a great job of exploiting Heidi. If I ever see them out, I might hit ’em with something. They are just ridiculous.”

These two couldn’t carry the nasty beard on Spencers beard.  They need to sit the F down.

BTW, why does that beard freak me out, every time???

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