Ashton Kutcher has finally spoken up about his job on the coaching staff of the Harvard Westlake Wolverines by writing a post on his myspace blog.
Yes, like everyone else, Ashton Kutcher has a myspace blog.
Kutcher writes;
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
the latest and greatest
hola amigos long time no chat. I was clicking the keys latenight and thought I might just wax a little philosophy on the myspot page. The wifey is away shooting a film and I’m holding down the fort here in lala land. I’m pleased to report that my Harvard Westlake football team is 4-2. I am blessed to step on the gridiron every week with a great group of individuals that understand that the collective force is greater that any individual can ever be. A lot of people have asked me why I decided to start coaching. I’ve thought about it a lot because at first I would say “it’s just something I’ve always wanted to do” but to be honest there are a lot of things I’ve always wanted to do. So as I dig deeper I’ve actually found that the truth is that it’s something I’ve always been afraid to do. I was afraid of the time commitment. I was afraid that I would look stupid. I was afraid that the players wouldn’t listen to my football advice, I was afraid that the advice that I gave wouldn’t be very good. I’ve have many situations in my life where I’ve had an opportunity to extend my self and walked away for many of those reasons. And though coaching a football team is no great step for man kind I finding that it’s a great step for me and that I’m not there to teach them they are there to teach me.
This is one of the coolest extra carricular thing’s I’ve seen a celebs do. It’s cool when stars like Mark Wahlberg are very active in their kids soccer teams and such, but Kutcher doesn’t have any ties to the team, just a love of the game.
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