
Single and Rich.

Simon Cowell has reportedly called it quits with his long time squeeze, Terri Seymour.

They ended it for good about six weeks ago according to Cowell’s rep who said; “They are going to remain close friends. Simon thinks the world of Terri and that isn’t going to change. He also understands her reason for ending it.”

The rumored reason for the split was children.  While Cowell is apparently against ever having any children, Seymour has finally realized that she’d like to be a mom some day.

Did we ever expect Simon would want to have to share all that money with a child?

Another source claims that as a parting gift, Cowell bought Seymour a new house!  Not a bad deal if you ask me!  But what will this do for her job as the American Idol correspondant on My Fox LA.

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