
Carrie Underwood Doesn’t Respect Political Loudmouth Celebs.

Most celebs get pretty vocal when it comes to politics, using their status to help back a particular candidate.  In this years case, we have people like  Leonardo DeCaprio, and Scarlett Johannsen for Obama, and their republican equivalent  Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag for McCain, but  thats going to far for Carrie Underwood.

Underwood told the recent issue of TV Guide;

“There is someone I do support, but I don’t support publicly. I lose all respect for celebs when they back a candidate.

“It’s saying that the American public isn’t smart enough to make their own decisions,” she goes on. “I would never want anybody to vote for anything or anybody just because I told them to.

“Music is where you go to get away from all the BS,” adds Underwood, whether it’s from politics or just the world around you, music should be an escape.”

I can’t say I don’t agree, but I wonder what Spencer and Heidi will do now that they’ve lost Carrie Underwood’s respect.

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