
Doesn’t Audrina Know There’s an Election Going on?

The most important election of our time is going on, and Audrina Patridge want’s to talk The Hills!

She posted a recap of last nights episode on her official blog, and in case anyone wants to stray from politics for a little bit, here’s what she had to say about her moving out of Laurens house, living with Justin Bobby, and check out the shout out to Heidi and Spencer!

Tonight’s episode was about me moving out, along with other issues as well. I had been looking for a place for months and I finally found a house in the hills that I loved that wasn’t too big or too small. Although Lauren knew I had been thinking about it for a while, I wasn’t sure how she was going to react. I didn’t know if she was going to be mad or happy for me. I kept thinking of how it was when Heidi moved out and how everything went downhill from there with their friendship. I ended up telling her when I was ready and it was definite and she seemed to be cool about it. She knew her house was never home to me and since I lived in the pool house I barely saw her or Lo anyway, so it wouldn’t really be that huge of a difference.

I showed my sister my new house since she would be there the most with me, and she loved it! I was so excited to decorate and turn it into my own little bachelorette pad. Justin knew I had been looking for a while, so when I told him I had finally found a place he was happy for me and offered to help if I needed anything. I wasn’t planning on having him move in with me, but I thought he would probably be over a lot hanging out and that was enough. I did not buy my house with the intention of trapping Justin into moving in with me! lol  I personally think it’s best to have your own personal space until you consider marriage or are really in a serious relationship, and marriage for me right now is out of the question.

My dinner with Justin was long and conversation-filled, and both of us were a bit on edge. So the actual day of moving out was a lonnng day! I didn’t realize how much stuff I had accumulated over the seven months I lived there. I was kind of sad, but also excited at the same time.

Then my sister and I went to the opening of 14, the new restaurant in Hollywood. It was so much fun! They have the best food!! Heidi was working so we stopped in to say hi and check the place out. It was great to see Heidi and Spencer! They seem so happy together and in love.  Anyhow,  let me know what you guys thought of the episode! xoxo

Lauren totally just threw up in her mouth after reading that!

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