This Didn’t Take Long.

Last night at an Obama victory party in Century City, California, a Fox 11 reporter checked in with the studio to report two things that were in the air.  Love, and weed.

After first noting that with all the love that was in the air, he wouldn’t be surprised that if 9 months from now there were a bunch of new kids running around, some of them perhaps even named, Barack, he then noted another smell that was freshening the air.

Watch the video from LA Rag Mag to see the rest.

Unfortunately for these supporters, who I’m sure already knew this because I’m sure they’ve studied their candidate very closely before making a choice, Senator President Obama does NOT support the legalization of marijuana.

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One Response to This Didn’t Take Long.

  1. November 16, 2008 at 9:40 pm #

    Hell yeah niggas.

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